The Institute of Early Years Education relies on a strong reputation to achieve its mission and vision for the early education and care workforce. As part of the membership body, members have a duty to one another to uphold high standards of professional conduct that, in turn, maintains and enhances the reputation of the Institute. 

By committing to the Code of Practice (the code), members benefit one another by promoting the Institute of Early Years Education as an organisation of good standing, enabling it to maximise its influence in the promotion and support of a respected, highly skilled and qualified workforce. 

In becoming a member of the Institute of Early Years Education, individuals commit to comply with the code and uphold its professional standards of practice and behaviour. 

Professional standards of practice and behaviour

The code provides guidance on the expected behaviour of Institute's members and sets out the standards of conduct that should be at the basis of everybody’s practice. 

1. Be respectful to others 

You put the interests of children first, valuing each child as an individual. You recognise that everyone has the right to contribute and should be encouraged to do so. 

1a. To behave in a way that safeguards and respects the rights of all children, families and communities.

To achieve this, you should: 

  • Build respectful and genuine connections with colleagues, families and communities. 
  • Nurture equitable relationships that respect the contribution of everyone within your setting/across the whole organisation. 

1b. To deal honestly and fairly with colleagues, fellow members, partner organisations and the broader public.

To achieve this, you should: 

  • Value difference and diversity, showing that you value the contribution of everyone, actively encouraging difference of perspectives and the sharing of unique experiences. 
  • Avoid making assumptions and recognise diversity among children, families and the wider community. 

2. Be representative 

You act in the best interest of the Institute of Early Years Education and its members. You recognise your role in advocating the value of the early education and care workforce and your value as a member of our community. 

2a. To uphold the good name of the Institute of Early Years Education.

To achieve this, you should: 

  • You uphold the name and reputation of the Institute of Early Years Education and the early education and care profession, and practice according to your role and area of responsibility. 
  • Always act with honesty and integrity and treat people fairly, recognising the unique qualities in everyone. Treat others as you would like to be treated and lead by example to model this throughout the Institute. 

3. Be professional 

You should always uphold the reputation of your profession, providing best practice early education and care for all children and families.

3a. Promote and advocate a high-quality early education and care for each child and family.

To achieve this, you should:

  • Have an absolute commitment to the children in your care, valuing and respecting each child as an individual. 
  • Maintain consistently high-quality standards of care and education through continuous improvement. 

3b. Keep up to date with sector information and take responsibility for continuous development of your knowledge and skills. 

To achieve this, you should: 

  • Commit to becoming a reflective practitioner by maintaining continued professional development to improve your own practice and influence others. 
  • Engage with opportunities for personal and professional development. Whenever possible, share examples of good practice, experiences and ideas for improvement.