Safeguarding is paramount to working in early education and care which is why we have created a variety of helpful member resources designed to support your safeguarding knowledge so we can all work together to keep children safe.
Road safety is a huge part of our daily lives, whether we travel by car or not. Being aware of our surroundings and having an appreciation for safe practice is not only an integral skill for life beyond the early years but also promotes other essential skills that we are constantly looking to consolidate, such as looking, listening and general awareness too.
There are lots of things we can do every day to ensure children are kept safe – from the conversations we have with parents and carers about daily routines to the risk assessments we create for activities in the playroom.
Spotting neglect can be tricky. This article aims to refresh your memory outlining some of the main signs and symptoms of neglect to support your safeguarding practice.
Creating a positive culture in the workplace around safeguarding can support staff with their confidence to confront safeguarding issues if and when they arise.
Whilst there are many different roles when it comes to child welfare, the foundations of safeguarding are everyone’s responsibility to ensure children are kept safe and healthy throughout their childhood.
Staff supervisions are prime opportunities to discuss any matters of relevance with individual members of your team. This can relate to personal matters, such as any holiday plans or changes to circumstances that might impact their availability or suitability to work.