5 ways to create a literate environment
We know that early literacy is vital to all-round development and that its importance is heavily supported by evidence. The question is how do we implement effective early literacy strategies? Being immersed in a literacy-rich environment allows children to soak up a plethora of experiences…but what does that look like?
A literate environment is one that is rich in opportunities to engage in literacy - whether talking and listening, reading, writing, or interpreting pictures and expressions, the possibilities are endless!
An environment for...
It seems easy enough to do but the importance of talking ‘with’ children, rather than ‘to’ them can often be disregarded during busy moments. Take time to ask questions to share and extend thinking, and scaffold answers with them to build upon vocabulary, learning new ways to articulate their meanings and more words to use too!
An equally significant part of communication is being able to listen and acknowledge others, to respond appropriately and to take meaning from what you’ve heard. Activities like listening walks can be a great way to develop listening skills and distinguish between sounds.
It’s not just about what we read and write, but also about the meanings we take from it. Encourage creative opportunities to ‘think outside the box’ using pictures that prompt new ideas and discussion.
Writing is often seen as something for school, but activities involving all sorts of mark-making are essential foundations for developing an ability to write. Mark-making activities, like drawing in sand and other sensory materials, make a great starting point for exploring how we can express ourselves through the marks we make!
Exploring reading material is one of the most powerful ways to develop literacy with young children, but this isn’t limited to books alone. Labelling drawers with words and pictures and using posters in the room are valid and effective ways to expose children to text in their everyday world.